
Making solar simple

Release is Scatec’s solution for distributed generation solar PV and BESS for projects starting from 5MWp blocks. This modular solution consists of pre-assembled and containerised movable trackers and storage. The equipment is pre-financed and deployed under a simple and flexible leasing contract with terms shorter than 5 years! Similarly to when you would lease a car.

Because the equipment is movable, we take a view on the equipment’s useful lifetime, allowing us to offer short term contracts at competitive pricing. Even on a 5-year lease.

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Accelerate the green energy transition by removing bottlenecks of traditional energy projects to create impact where most needed.

Our Mission

To become a premier supplier of flexible and affordable renewable power.

Why Release?

Reduced energy costs
Flexible leasing
Reduced fuel dependency


Build your own hybrid plant

Follow the steps in our webtool to build your own solar hybrid plant and get a feel for how solar PV can become an integrated part of your power system.

Access the tool here

Release in operation


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